We’ve all been there. Staring at that Evri tracking update saying your parcel is “On its Way”? You’re probably wondering if this means you’ll actually see your parcel today.
While this tracking status usually indicates your parcel has reached the local Evri depot, the reality of whether it’ll land on your doorstep today isn’t quite so straightforward.
Let’s dive into what “On its Way” actually means in Evri-speak, and what your chances are of seeing that parcel today.
Will I Get My Evri Parcel Today After Tracking Updates to “On its Way?”
Good news! In most cases, when you see that “On its Way” status, your parcel will indeed grace your doorstep today. This update typically appears when your package has reached your local Evri depot, which is essentially the final pit stop before it heads to your home.
Here’s how it usually plays out: Early in the morning, your parcel will be sitting in the depot alongside hundreds of others, waiting to be sorted. The depot staff (who might be working round the clock in busy periods like from Black Friday until Christmas) will be bustling about, organising parcels by area for different couriers to collect.
Keep an eye on your tracking, because it should update again later in the morning – usually between 8am and 10am – once your local courier has scanned in their parcels for the day. This is when you can switch from mere hope to cautious optimism, as it confirms your package is actually with your courier rather than just hanging about in the depot.
You’ll then get pinged with a two-hour delivery slot, but this won’t appear until after your courier has mapped out their route for the day.
However (and there’s always a however with Evri), a few spanners can throw themselves into the works:
- If the depot’s particularly swamped, your parcel might miss the morning sort
- Sometimes parcels get accidentally sorted into the wrong courier’s pile – meaning a return jounrey to the depot and at least a day’s delay
- Your local courier might end up with more packages than they can feasibly deliver in one day – pushing your parcel into tomorrow’s delivery pile
But don’t let these possibilities dampen your spirits too much. The “On its Way” status is generally a pretty solid indicator that your parcel is in the final stages of its journey to you. In fact, most parcels that reach this status in the early morning do make it to their destination that same day.
Think of it as your parcel being in the departure lounge – it’s checked in, through security, and just waiting for its final boarding call. All being well, it’ll be arriving at your front door before 8pm.

What If My Parcel Is Stuck on “On its Way” for Days?
Let’s be honest – if your parcel’s been showing “On its Way” for more than a day, something’s probably gone wrong. While Christmas and other peak periods can slow things down considerably, multiple days stuck on this status usually means your package has gone AWOL in the depot.
The most likely culprits? Your parcel could be:
- Lost in the depot (more common than Evri would like to admit)
- Incorrectly sorted and sitting in the wrong pile
- Damaged and awaiting assessment
- Simply forgotten about in a corner somewhere
Trying to get answers from Evri? Good luck with that. Their live chat bot called Ezra typically just regurgitates the same tracking status you can already see, and getting through to a human on the phone is about as likely as winning the lottery.
While there used to be some clever workarounds to reach actual Evri customer service staff, these loopholes have largely been closed.
Your best bet? Contact the retailer you ordered from. They are Evri’s customer and have better communication channels at their disposal. It’s up to the retailer to either chase the parcel or sort you out with a refund or replacement.
Final Word: Will Your “On its Way” Evri Parcel Arrive Today?
When your Evri tracking shows “On its Way,” there’s a good chance you’ll see your parcel today – especially if you this status comes through in the early hours of the morning.
Most parcels reaching the local depot do make it out for delivery the same day, with your two-hour delivery slot appearing once your courier has planned their route.
However, if you’re still seeing “On its Way” after 48 hours (give it at least a day for sorting mishaps and missed local courier collections), it’s time to take action.
While Evri’s customer service might be about as helpful as a chocolate teapot, your retailer should be able to step in and help track down your missing parcel or arrange a solution.
Remember: “On its Way” means your parcel is at the local depot. If all goes well, you’ll get an updated tracking status and delivery window once your courier has your package.
After that, it’s just a matter of waiting for that knock on the door – hopefully before 8pm today!